Graceann Pittner
for Canon City School Board
Education is a Partnership... In which students, parents, teachers, and administrators all work together to provide the best possible education for each student.
- Graceann Pittner
Cañon City Education Association
Questionnaire & Responses
Visit my Facebook Page: Pittner for Canon City BOE
Visit our "We the Parents..." Facebook Page
Academic Excellence
“Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding.”
-William Arthur Ward
Focus on an educational program grounded in the essential skills/knowledge of reading, writing, math, science, civics & the arts
Critical thinking skills
Fact-based curriculum free from indoctrination and bias.
Engage students in the learning process/ Cooperative learning
Continue to provide career & technical educational opportunities for students through the Pathways program
Provide alternative instructional options for non-traditional learners (online classes, homeschool partnerships)
Parental Involvement
“If kids come to us from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job easier. If they do not come to us from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job more important.”
– Barbara Colorose
Parents have the right to direct the upbringing, education and healthcare of their children
Informed consent
Voice in curriculum and character education program approval
Access to and approval of Curriculum, textbooks and educational materials
"Listening Sessions" - By listening deeply to our parents and community, we will develop a clear understanding of where they stand and where our focus should be
Empower Teachers
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." -William A. Ward
Provide more time for teachers to teach
Encourage innovation in meeting the learning styles of students
Involvement in choice of curriculum
Less bureaucracy and paperwork
Self-determined professional development
Salary commensurate with professional standing
Support teachers by ensuring the classroom para-professionals who are critical, especially in the special education department, are paid a living wage.
Positive School Culture
“Effective education is not adding a program or a set of programs to a school. Rather, it is a transformation of the culture and life of the school.” –David Berkowitz
Respect the rights of ALL students without denying the rights of some
Respect the right to disagree
Civil Discourse
Focus on what unites rather than what divides
Equality of opportunity, not guaranteed equal outcomes
Encourage Resilience and Responsibility
Continuous Improvement
Celebration & Humor
Cooperation & Collegiality
Kindness, Integrity
Safety & Security
"Safety is the most basic task of all. Without sense of safety, no growth can take place. Without safety, all energy goes to defense.” -Torey Hayden
School Safety
School Resource Officers
Anti-Bullying Program that changes behavior and builds relationships
Personal Safety
Consistent, fair discipline policies
Cameras in classrooms
Leadership &
“Education leaders must have the will at times to release leadership to the teachers, the parents and the students.” –Andy Hargreaves
Board directors are elected officials who are answerable to and should seek input from the parents and citizens who elected them
No Hidden Agendas
Parental consent is imperative in order to maintain a trust relationship with administration
Open 2-way communication - Town Halls/listening sessions
Divest the District from liberal organizations that promote progressive ideologies and programs in our schools that take away time from learning
Fiscal Accountability at both the District and School level